In the words of a piano teacher who saved Ethan Hawke from the pressures of life: "A conversation with Mr Seymour about making life more beautiful - music, friendship, family and creation."



In the words of a piano teacher who saved Ethan Hawke from the pressures of life: "A conversation with Mr Seymour about making life more beautiful - music, friendship, family and creation."




Seymour Bernstein ( born April 24, 1927 ) is an American pianist, composer, and associate dean of the New York University School of Musical Education.

Regarding the notation of his name, his name is mainly written as Seymour Bernstein in his books translated into Japanese, and the notation of Seymour Bernstein is used in his documentary film released in Japan in 2016.

Biography: He was born in Newark, New Jersey. When he was 15 years old, he started teaching music. He is the only pupil of Alexander Brailovsky.
Debuted with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra in 1969. On December 18, 2004, he was awarded an honorary doctorate from Shenandoah University.

Movies: Mr. Seymour and An Introduction to Life for Adults ( 2014, USA, Director: Ethan Hawke)


I wish I had been born a first-rate artist to be admired by all. The author is not alone in thinking this. But true artists can also suffer greatly.

Despite his career, Ethan Hawke, one of America's greatest actors, felt stuck as an artist and human being. What is the point of my acting career? The solution to this problem came in a conversation with the elderly piano teacher Seymour Bernstein, who was present at one of his dinners.

Hawke decided to make a film about music and life, with Mr Seymour as the protagonist.

The result was Mr Seymour and an Introduction to Adult Life, about Seymour Bernstein, a renowned piano teacher in New York. It was released in Japan in 2016 and became a huge hit. Mr Seymour lives alone in an old apartment and teaches piano. His life is dedicated to music, and music has made his life incomparably richer.






In the words of a piano teacher who saved Ethan Hawke from the pressures of life: "A conversation with Mr Seymour about making life more beautiful - music, friendship, family and creation."



Seymour: An Introduction - Imdb-7.5

Meet Seymour Bernstein: a beloved pianist, teacher and true inspiration who shares eye-opening insights from a fantastic life. Ethan Hawke helms this poignant guide to life.

Director: Ethan Hawke
Stars: Seymour BernsteinEthan HawkeSam Bachelder





Trailer for "An Introduction to Life for Adults with Mr. Seymour"


NYFF52: "Seymour: An Introduction" Q&A | Ethan Hawke & Seymour Bernstein


With 92-year-old pianist Seymour Bernstein - "Making life more beautiful."



Seymour Bernstein, Schumann, Fantasy, Op. 17 (3rd Movement) Part 1

Seymour Bernstein, Schumann, Fantasy, Op. 17 (3rd Movement), Part 2




Seymour Bernstein teaches Chopin's Prelude in E minor.


This is Seymour Bernstein's 96th New Year. He has some advice for the piano world.


Seymour Bernstein On Bach: Invention No. 1 (ft. Ben Laude)



Seymour Bernstein - Wikipedia



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"For me, life is beginning at ninety." - Seymour Bernstein


Renowned pianist and teacher Seymour Bernstein reflects on his rich life at 90, discussing his unexpected return to performing after a 37-year hiatus. He emphasizes overcoming stage fright through preparation and experience. Bernstein advocates for integrating creativity and recreation, sharing personal anecdotes and encouraging students to compose. 

The reason for his retirement was not just nervousness but a desire for a creative life. By confronting stage fright and preparing correctly, he resumed performing in public. From this experience, I feel people should be kind to themselves and spend time on creative activities during this period.

He delves into the challenges and joys of teaching, stressing the importance of making students feel good about themselves. Reflecting on a recent performance for Ethan Hawke's theatre group, Bernstein unveils a moment of calm, attributing it to focusing on others rather than himself. He aspires to be remembered for fostering positive human relationships.


Seymour Bernstein celebrates his 90th birthday with a formal proclamation overcoming stage fright, marking a return to a creative life.

He overcame my stage fright and is seriously relearning the piano at 90. The reason for his retirement was not just nervousness but a desire for a creative life. By confronting stage fright and preparing correctly, he resumed performing in public. From this experience, I feel people should be kind to themselves and spend time on creative activities during this period.

Embracing ageing, Bernstein reflects on the truth of growing older and finds joy in playing the piano, maintaining a positive outlook.

When I was younger, he didn't have stage fright, but as he got older, he started to feel a responsibility to recreate works of art. Like other artists, he realized that stage fright was a severe problem and overcoming it was a sign of personal responsibility. Artists can fully develop themselves through a combination of creative and reproducing activities.

Before 1900, taking piano lessons was something only composers could consider. The talents of Bach and Beethoven are now inherited by genius pianists who perform in the world's major concert halls. Today's potential Bach and Beethovens may not know who they are.

In music education, we teach students not only about music but also about life. We encourage students who suffer from stage fright to learn how to overcome it and learn to love and respect themselves. He says he continues to grow even at the age of 90 by overcoming his stage fright and continuing to discover new music.

Seymour Bernstein believes overcoming stage fright requires adequate preparation and performance experience. He emphasizes the importance of mental preparation for dealing with stage fright, asserting that practice and experience are more effective than other methods or medications. He also encourages a similar approach for students, suggesting that overcoming stage fright allows one to love oneself and find joy in facing challenges.

The scene, performed in public for the first time in 37 years, was at the suggestion of filmmaker Ethan Hawke. While reflecting on his state of mind, filled with fear and anticipation, he speaks of his fantastic calm and success on the recital day. This is an exciting episode in which he temporarily escapes his vulnerability and succeeds by performing for others.

At the end of her interview, Seymour talks about the legacy she wants to leave behind. His core values are expressed as a pianist, a teacher, and a desire to offer the best of himself to others and make them proud of themselves.

In his philosophy, he cherishes contributing positively to others, fostering joy and self-improvement through music. His legacy is rooted in the belief that life is enriched by meaningful connections and the pursuit of creativity, emphasizing the profound impact on personal and collective well-being.