What is the meaning of life for you? Kenichiro Mogi reveals the secret to a long and happy life.



What is the meaning of life for you? Kenichiro Mogi reveals the secret to a long and happy life.

What is the meaning of life? If you were asked this question, many people would find it difficult to answer. This book, "IKIGAI: The Secret to a Long and Happy Life Unique to the Japanese" (written by Kenichiro Mogi, translated by Ayako Onzo/Shinchosha), will enlighten such readers. By deliberately discussing the Japanese word "Ikigai" in English, Mr Mogi could elucidate its meaning from an outsider's perspective. What I didn't realise because I'm Japanese resonates with me as a suggestion.

The author defines Ikigai in Japanese as "the joy of living", consisting of "live" and "worthiness (kai)", and explains it simply as "the reason for living there". If readers understand these values, which are uniquely Japanese, they will feel happy to have been born Japanese.

This is because we have the mindset and DNA to find and nurture joy in our environment and the seemingly mundane daily life, even if we do not have to win through competition or gain wealth or fame. This is rooted in Japan's unique spiritual attitude, symbolised by the ``eight million gods'' and ``harmony''. It is an attitude of respecting nature, the people around you and even small everyday objects, believing that God dwells in the small things. The author states that the ability to live as an individual in harmony with society is the essence of "Ikigai".

The artisans and artists featured in this book are people who have found meaning in their professions. Jiro Ono, also known as "Sukiyabashi Jiro," a three-star Michelin chef, chooses his sushi because he wants to work in the food and beverage industry, where the initial investment is small. He keeps making minor improvements to make it more delicious. His dedication to this profession became his purpose in life, and sushi chef became his calling.

The glory of being a three-star chef is the result. On the other hand, what about the majority of office workers who find it challenging to get their work done? The author says: "The professional environment" in which office workers are placed forces them to think within the hierarchy of winners and losers, leaders and followers, superiors and subordinates, and while the win-at-all-costs mentality breeds innovation, it can also lead to significant stress and instability. And I encourage you to have a lot of hidden joy that is not there. "Ikigai" can be found at every level of the hierarchy of the competitive society and is a spiritual necessity passed on to all who set their sights on it.

The author lists five conditions for `gai in life': "starting small", "liberation from self", "harmony and sustainability", "small joys", and "being here now". On the other hand, he points out that "people tend to assume the conditions for happiness" as a reason for losing sight of it. If you only fulfil your big wishes and dreams as a condition for happiness, you will hurt yourself and those around you. The author explains a time lag between deeds and rewards; even if you do a good job, you will not necessarily be rewarded. If you can make the process of effort the source of your happiness, you will be able to succeed in life's essential tasks. That means I did it. This book makes you realise that you should find your purpose in life and feel happiness while pursuing your dreams and daily life. Looking at your daily life and looking around you, you will find that everyone already has a purpose in life.





What is the meaning of life for you? Kenichiro Mogi reveals the secret to a long and happy life.


I am happy, surprised, and grateful that my book ``Ikigai'' has become the number-one best-seller in Germany.





Kenichiro Mogi




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Q1. Ken Mogi wrote the "IKIGAI" book seven years ago.
But this year in Germany, it was the No.1 best-seller for two months. Why is it a best-seller?

The resurgence of Ken Mogi's "Ikigai" as a best-seller in Germany this year, despite being published seven years ago, can be attributed to its universal appeal and the timeless nature of its content. "Ikigai" explores the Japanese concept of finding joy, fulfilment, and balance in daily routines. Mogi's approachable writing demystifies how one can achieve purpose and happiness through simple acts and appreciation, an idea that resonates deeply with people seeking meaning in their lives.

Mogi's book emphasises the importance of starting small, releasing yourself from societal pressures, finding harmony and sustainability, appreciating the joy of little things, and being present in the here and now. These pillars offer a blueprint for cultivating a fulfilling life, not through grandiose achievements but through recognising and cherishing the everyday moments and personal passions that give life its flavour.

Moreover, Mogi suggests that Ikigai is a spectrum, ranging from small pleasures to life-defining goals, reflecting the complexity of life itself. This perspective encourages individuals to find contentment and motivation in the mundane and the extraordinary, supporting a more resilient and adaptive approach to life's challenges.

The philosophy behind "Ikigai" aligns with a growing global interest in mindfulness and well-being, aspects of life that many are seeking to improve. This interest, coupled with the book's message that happiness and fulfilment are accessible through simple, everyday actions, likely contributed to its renewed popularity and best-seller status in Germany.

Ken Mogi's insights into Ikigai offer a path to personal happiness and fulfilment and resonate with universal desires for a meaningful and contented life, making it a compelling read for a broad audience.





Q2. Why is the "Ikigai" book a best-seller in Garmany?
This book was translated into many other countries, particularly in Garmany; why is it the best?

The book "Ikigai" by Ken Mogi has found particular success in Germany and globally because of its compelling exploration of finding joy, purpose, and fulfilment in life through simple, everyday actions. The concept of Ikigai, which translates to "a reason for being," resonates deeply with a broad audience because it offers a practical and accessible approach to discovering personal happiness and satisfaction.

Mogi introduces five pillars of Ikigai: starting small, releasing yourself, harmony and sustainability, the joy of little things, and being in the here and now. These principles encourage individuals to appreciate the small pleasures in life, embrace their unique qualities, and find balance and harmony in their relationships with others and the environment.

Moreover, Ikigai's focus on mindfulness and the appreciation of life's simple joys connects with a growing global interest in well-being and mental health. The concept suggests that fulfilment can come from various aspects of life, not just grand achievements, and emphasises the importance of being present and finding joy.

This philosophy's universal appeal, combined with a growing collective interest in finding deeper meaning in life, likely contributes to the book's particular success in Germany and other parts of the world. It speaks to a common desire to lead a fulfilling life grounded in personal satisfaction and a sense of purpose, transcending cultural boundaries.



Q3. Why is the "Ikigai" book a best-seller in Garmany?
This book was translated into many other countries, but remarkably, after publishing seven years ago, why is it the best-seller in Garmany?

The "Ikigai" book's success in Germany, and indeed globally, is attributed to its profound insights into finding happiness, purpose, and longevity in life. This book resonates with many due to its comprehensive approach to living a fulfilled life, drawing on the Japanese concept of Ikigai—finding joy in life through purpose.

Several factors contribute to its widespread appeal:

1. Encouragement of Introspection: The book encourages readers to reflect on their lives and identify what brings them joy and satisfaction. This reflective process is essential in today's fast-paced world, where people often lose sight of their happiness and purpose.

2. Simplicity as the Secret to Happiness: "Ikigai" challenges the modern notion that happiness is found in a busy, luxurious life, suggesting that true contentment lies in simplicity and ordinary daily activities.

3. An Intuitive Approach to Health: Drawing inspiration from the lifestyles of Okinawans, known for their longevity, the book suggests a balanced, less stressful approach to health and exercise, emphasising regular, enjoyable physical activity over rigorous workout regimes.

4. Positivity and Well-being: By helping readers identify their purpose in life, the book fosters a positive outlook and mental well-being, emphasising the importance of peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle for a long, fulfilling life.

5. Global and Cultural Resonance: Ikigai is not confined to any profession or passion but is a universal idea relevant to different cultures and occupations. From artists to scientists, aligning passion, mission, vocation, and profession for personal and global benefit has a universal appeal.

6. Comparative Philosophical Appeal: "Ikigai" intersects with several Western and Eastern philosophies, making it accessible and relatable to a broad audience. It shares commonalities with concepts like the Greek idea of Eudaimonia (human flourishing), Carpe Diem (seizing the day), the American Dream (success through hard work), and Dharma (moral path and duty), thereby bridging cultural gaps and offering a holistic view of life's meaning​.

In Germany, as in many other countries, these themes likely resonate deeply due to a growing interest in mindfulness, work-life balance, and holistic health. 
The book's simple yet powerful message offers a timely antidote to the complexities of modern life, providing practical advice and inspiring stories that encourage readers to find joy and purpose in their everyday lives. 
This universal appeal, coupled with its actionable insights into achieving a harmonious, fulfilling life, is a likely reason for its enduring popularity and best-seller status years after its initial publication.