Japan was scheduled to become a Portuguese colony...Why the Jesuits supported Oda Nobunaga's gun corps in the Battle of Nagashino Missionaries sent as vanguards of colonization



Japan was scheduled to become a Portuguese colony...Why the Jesuits supported Oda Nobunaga's gun corps in the Battle of Nagashino
Missionaries sent as vanguards of colonization



Southern European countries such as Spain and Portugal began to use their superior navigational technology as weapons to seek vast wealth and conquer overseas countries. To prevent conflicts of interest in advance, they, along with the Pope, divided the world of non-Christian pagans into two. Rules regarding the establishment of exclusive navigational territory between the two countries and the possession and exclusive rights of newly discovered areas were determined by the conclusion of the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494.

In other words, the meridian that passes through 370 legua (a unit of distance used in Spain and Portugal; one legua is approximately 6,000 meters in Portugal) off the west coast of the Cape Verde Islands (an archipelago west of the westernmost cape on the African continent). Based on this standard, the eastern side was designated as Portuguese territory, and the western area was designated as Spanish territory. It would be outrageous given today's common sense, but both countries arbitrarily divided their territories into two on a global scale, including undiscovered countries. This is called differentiation.

According to this treaty, Japan was to become a Portuguese colony. To justify this unilateral colonization, the King of Portugal approached the Pope to encourage and protect the catholicization of the newly discovered territories.









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Toyotomi Hideyoshi's excellent decision to stop the "enslavement of the Japanese."
Approximately 50,000 victims were taken overseas.



Initially, Toyotomi Hideyoshi inherited the policies of Oda Nobunaga and tolerated the spread of Christianity in Japan. However, missionary work was later prohibited by the ``Bateren Expulsion Order''. The reason behind Hideyoshi's efforts to prevent the spread of Christianity was the "slave trade" by the Portuguese. What is the reality that 50,000 Japanese people were taken abroad?

``Hundreds of Japanese people, both men and women, were bought by the Nanban ships and driven to the bottom of the ship with chains attached to their limbs like beasts. It was worse than the torture of hell. They are bought, their skins are peeled off while they are still alive, monks (referring to missionaries) and disciples eat them with their hands, parents and children are disrespectful to their siblings, and scenes of animal cruelty are unfolding below...''

It is said that the root cause of this is that in 1452, the Pope permitted the Portuguese to enslave pagans.






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