Synopsis of "La Belle and La Bête" based on "Beauty and the Beast"



Synopsis of "La Belle and La Bête" based on "Beauty and the Beast"


//Summary - Level-C2//

In "La Belle and La Bête," Belle's father, facing peril, unwittingly angers a fearsome Beast by plucking a rose. To save him, Belle sacrifices herself to the Beast, initially fearing his appearance—the Beast, gentle despite his exterior, courts Belle, who learns to see beyond appearances. A mysterious mirror reveals her father's illness, prompting a temporary return. Jealous sisters hinder her comeback, but Belle's love revives the dying Beast. He transforms into a prince, breaking a witch's curse, and they live happily together.



The main character, Belle, is the daughter of a wealthy merchant. She has three older brothers and two older sisters.
Her story begins one day when her father loses all his possessions in a shipwreck.

All that remains of her family is a villa in the country.
Her two older sisters were tired of living in the country, but Belle worked hard to make a living.

After a year of living in the country, the property she thought she had lost miraculously appeared on land.

The family was overjoyed, and the sisters asked for something extravagant.
But Belle didn't say anything, so her father, feeling sorry for her, asked her repeatedly, and she replied, "I want a rose."

Her father tried to collect her ship's property but was involved in various lawsuits and could not get his property.

On his way home, it was winter, and the road was blocked by snow, leaving her father stranded.
He happened to come across a giant castle and called out to the entrance, but no one was there.
When he reluctantly entered, he found herself in a strange place.

Although no one was supposed to be there, there was a fire in the fireplace, and food and drink were provided for one person on the table.
Trembling, her father dried his clothes in the fireplace, ate, drank and fell asleep in bed.

When he woke up in the morning, breakfast was on the table.

He ate it and became curious about the carriage he had left outside, so he looked at it.
A shelf of roses was on the way, so he folded a rose.

At that moment, a terrifying roar was heard, and a man with the face of a fearsome beast appeared before the father.
"You stole my precious rose. I will never forgive you! You must pay with your life,'' the Beast said.

Then the father said, "I am sorry. Please spare my life. My daughter asked me to do it, so I thought it was just a flower and broke a rose."

The Beast wouldn't let him. "Give me your life or your daughter," he demanded.
The Beast thought letting him go home empty-handed would be a pity, so he gave her father a chest full of treasures.

He went home and explained the situation to his family. 
Then Belle said she would go to the castle in his father's place.

Although her father was adamantly against it, Belle never gave up. Eventually, the father relented, and the two met the Beast.
The Beast sent away the father who offered his daughter.

Belle was so afraid of the Beast that she trembled.
But the Beast spoke to Belle in a gentle voice.

"It's all right if you're not afraid. This castle is your castle.
Food, clothes, anything you want, you will get yourself. Please enjoy your life. "

The Beast only came to eat every dinner.
Despite his appearance, he was always a gentle beast, which made Belle happy.

The Beast courted Belle, but she stubbornly refused.
That's because she thought the Beast was ugly.

Each time, the Beast was silently disappointed. Nevertheless, he continued to serve Belle with the same kindness.

One day, the Beast gives Belle a mysterious mirror that allows her to see things far away.
When Belle looked in the mirror at her home, she saw her father sick in bed.
Father was worried about Belle and became ill.

Belle begged the Beast to let her go home for a week.
The Beast said he didn't care, and Belle went home. Her father saw him and was instantly cured of his illness.

However, her sisters are jealous of Belle's comfortable life, preventing her from returning to her Beast home.

When the promised week was over and ten days had passed, Belle had a dream of a beast that was about to die.

Belle hurried back to the Beast, and he went to the place that had appeared in her dream to look for the Beast.
A wild beast was found lying in the meadow.

The Beast was still breathing, so Belle fetched fresh water from a nearby spring and poured it on the Beast's face.
The Beast opened its eyes slightly and said, "Now I can die happily."

She said, "You must not die. You must live forever and be my husband. I have just realised. I love you. "

The moment she cried out, the Beast disappeared, and the prince appeared.

The prince had been turned into a beast by a witch.
He said he had to wait for a lover who would love him with all her heart and not fear the terrible Beast's appearance.

The prince returned to his land, took Belle as his bride, and lived happily ever after.






Synopsis of "La Belle and L" Bête", based on "Beauty and the Beast"

I will briefly" summarise the contents of the original work.
The main character, Belle, is the daughter of a wealthy merchant.
She has three older brothers and two older sisters in Belle.
The story is that one day, her father was killed in a shipwreck.
It begins with the loss of all his property.


Synopsis of the Beaumont version of "Beauty and the Beast"

Abridged version by Madame de Beaumont (1756. France)
Once upon a time, a wealthy merchant had three sons and three daughters.
However, he suddenly became bankrupt and had to live in a small house far away from town, working as a farmer.


Synopsis of "La Belle et la" Bete", released in F"ance in 1946

"La Belle et la" Bete" (1946, France" by French poet and filmmaker Jean Cocteau
Once upon a time, a wealthy merchant had three sons and three daughters.
When her youngest daughter, Belle (Josette Day), is seen scrubbing her floors at her home, her older brother's friend tells her she deserves better treatment. Avenin (Jean Marais) proposes marriage.


Fairy tale origins thousands of years old, researchers say


Dr Jamie Tehrani, an anthropologist at Durham University, says Jack and the Beanstalk are rooted in a series of stories that fall under the category of "The Boy Who Stole the Devil's Treasure", which has more than 5,000 East Indo-European and West Indo-European languages. He said it can be traced back to when the country was divided into years ago.
Analysis revealed that "Beauty and the Beast" and "Rumpelstiltskin" are about 4,000 years old.



Beauty and the Beast (2014)


Film "Beauty and the Beast" Trailer (2014)

Beauty and the Beast 2014: Sneak Peek w/ ENGLISH SUB


Film "Beauty and the Beast" special footage (2014)


THE BOY AND THE HERON - Official English Trailer (2023)



La Belle et la Bête - Wikipedia

"Beauty and the Beast" (Bijoto Yaju, Buddha: La Belle et la Bête) is from France. It is an interracial marriage story. In 1740Gabriel-Suzanne de Villeneuve (Madame Villeneuve) First written by. What is now widely known is the abbreviation published in 1756Jeanne Marie・Leprince de Beaumont (Madame Beaumont) version.



Film "Beauty and the Beast" French version in 2014 - 6.4/10

The film "Beauty and the Beast" Disney animated in 1991 - 8.0/10

Film "Beauty and the Beast" by Emma Watson in 2017 - 7.1/10

La Belle et la Bête (Beauty And The Beast 1946 with English subs)