Politicians, scientists, actors, authors: some of the most respected and acclaimed people in human history were also, it turns out, total jerks. So, which of your idols were genuinely deplorable? Let's lift the curtain on history and find out!

The beloved "Little Tramp," Charlie Chaplin, wasn't nearly as goofy in real life. He was downright predatory, particularly with teenage girls. Two out of his four wives were under 18 when he married them. 

Oona O'Neill was 18 when they married - he was in his 50s - though they began dating when she was 17. And Paulette Goddard was 26 when they married but only 22 when they started seeing each other - and she had lied to Chaplin, who thought she was 17.

But if it's somehow not skeezy enough that he married underage girls, how about the disrespectful way he treated them? Take his first wife, Mildred Harris, whom he married at 16 because he thought she was pregnant. 

She started getting movie offers, but Chaplin was unsupportive, thinking she was too young to have any natural talent. Not too young for him to romance, of course, but too young for anything else.

Then there's Lita Grey, whose poor treatment at Chaplin's hands was documented in her 1927 divorce papers. Thirty-five-year-old Chaplain impregnated Grey when she was 16 and quickly suggested an abortion. When that didn't happen, he married her but treated her terribly. 

According to the LA Times, he would cheat on her with other young actresses, called her "lowly born and greedy", paid little attention to their children, and would demand, as she put it, quote, "revolting, degrading and offensive" acts in the bedroom, some of which were illegal at the time in California.

Grey got $825,000 in the divorce settlement, dirtying Chaplin's name. Of course, time heals all wounds, which is why you don't hear this story much anymore. Until now, anyway.







Charlie Chaplin - City Lights - Buying Flowers scene (with Virginia Cherrill)


The Real Charlie Chaplin (2021) Official Trailer | SHOWTIME Documentary Film


[Special feature on Charles Chaplin] The king of comedy who turned life's tragedies into comedy


Sir Charles Spencer Chaplin(1889 - 1977) - Wikipedia



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Dictator Barber's Speech

Chaplin's best speech of all time: "We need humanity more than machines, kindness and compassion more than cleverness."
In the movie "The Great Dictator" (released in 1970), a barber (Charlie Chaplin) is mistaken for a soldier because he looks exactly like Dictator Hynkel (said to be a satire of Hitler). I have transcribed the last scene, where he gives a speech in front of the audience. Written by Chaplin himself, it is hailed worldwide as one of the most moving speeches ever.

I'm sorry, but... I don't want to be emperor. That has nothing to do with me. I don't want to rule or conquer. I want to help everyone—Jews and non-Jews, black and white. 

We all want to help each other. That's how people are. We want to be close to each other's happiness... Not because of each other's misfortune. We don't want to hate or look down on each other. All people can live in this world, and the earth is rich and blesses everyone. Life is free and beautiful.

But we have lost our way of life. Greed is poisoning the human soul... Closing the world with hatred... Misfortune is marching us towards disaster. We have developed speed and isolated ourselves. The machines that give us comfort have created poverty. Knowledge has made us cynical; wisdom has made us cold and heartless. We overthink... I don't feel too much.

We need love for humanity more than for machines. We need kindness and compassion more than wisdom. Without such sensitivity, the world would be filled with violence, and everything would be lost. The aeroplane and the radio have brought us closer together. The essence of such an invention is a call to human conscience and a call for the world to become one.

My voice continues to reach millions of people around the world. Millions of desperate people, little children. Victims of organisations that make people suffer. Those who imprison the innocent. To those who can hear me, I say... Don't despair. The misery that befalls us is simply the greed that passes, the hatred of those who fear human progress.

Hatred will disappear, and dictators will die. Power taken from the people will be returned to the people. Freedom will never die, just as man will never live forever.

Soldiers! Do not entrust yourselves to beasts. Those who look down on you, enslave you and manipulate your lives dictate what you do, think and feel. Those who train you and restrict your diet treat you as cattle, as mere pawns. Don't entrust yourself to them. To those who go against nature. Mechanical people... To those with machine minds, machine hearts, etc.

You are not machines. You are not cattle; you are human beings—a human with love for humanity. Don't hate. Those who are not loved hate. Only that which is unloved and against nature.

Soldier. Don't fight to enslave. Fight for freedom. Chapter 17 of the Gospel of Luke says: "The kingdom of God is within man. It's not just one person, it's not just some people, it's all people. What's in you? You humans have power. You have the power to create machines and the power to create happiness. You can make life a free and beautiful adventure."

Let us use this power in the name of a democratic nation. Let's all become one. Let's fight for a new world. A world with common sense. A world that gives you a job, a future and a secure retirement. By making such promises, the beasts have also grown in power. But they're liars. They don't keep their promises. Nor will they. Dictators liberate themselves and enslave their people.

Let's fight now. To keep our promise. Let's fight. To make the world accessible. To abolish borders. To lose lust, hate and suffering. Let's fight for a rational world. For a world where science and progress lead to the happiness of all humanity. Soldiers! Let us all unite in the name of a democratic nation.