"Give citizenship to all illegal immigrants!" The absolute ruler of the Biden administration, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (Jewish), calls for the legalisation of illegal immigrants.




"Give citizenship to all illegal immigrants!" The absolute ruler of the Biden administration, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (Jewish), calls for the legalisation of illegal immigrants.



Legalisation of illegal immigrants
Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who has been called the "shadow ruler" of the Biden administration and is essentially the "highest authority" in the United States today, said at a press conference that "all illegal immigrants will be given citizenship". This has attracted a lot of attention.

At the press conference, he said: "The only way to realise America's bright future is to embrace immigrants. And that is to grant citizenship to all illegal immigrants in the United States, who number more than 11 million".

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer is considered one of the "highest authorities" in contemporary American politics, along with former House Speaker Pelosi and former President Obama. He is said to have played a leading role in the recent sudden announcement of President Biden's withdrawal from the presidential race and the nomination of Vice President Kamala Harris as his running mate. He is also said to be from a Jewish family.

Voting rights for illegal immigrants
As the US presidential election approaches, critical figures in the current Biden administration are calling for the legalisation of illegal immigrants. Former House Speaker Pelosi recently said she wanted to legalise illegal immigrants.

Former President Trump, Elon Musk and other conservatives in the US are increasingly concerned about such moves and have continued to point out that the US Democratic Party (*Biden administration) is trying to give illegal immigrants the right to vote by granting them citizenship.

As a result of the significant relaxation of the response and penalties for illegal immigrants, millions of them are said to have entered the US under the Biden administration. The increase is particularly noticeable in "conservative US states" such as Texas, and some say it is a "plot to give illegal immigrants the right to vote (in conservative states) and secure votes for the US Democratic Party".






"Give citizenship to all illegal immigrants!" The absolute ruler of the Biden administration, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (Jewish), calls for the legalisation of illegal immigrants.




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Two prominent Democrats — Schumer and Pelosi — are now on record pushing for immediate citizenship for the untold millions of illegals in the country.

The plan was always to get as many across the border as possible to convert them to votes.
Now they've admitted it.





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Senator Schumer explicitly says that Dems want to give citizenship to all illegal aliens


Senator Schumer explicitly says that Dems want to give citizenship to all illegal aliens.

Senator Chuck Schumer: "Now more than ever, we are short of workers. We have a population that is not reproducing on its own at the same level it used to. The only way we will have a great future in America is to welcome and embrace immigrants, the dreamers and all of them. The ultimate goal is to help the dreamers get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however  many undocumented, there are here."



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$150,000 Home loans for "Undocumented Immigrants"


Nancy Pelosi is confronted by Bill Maher on a California bill purposing $150,000.00 for illegal undocumented immigrants.

A strategy that Democrats have long been a fan of is giving handouts in exchange for votes. I've always called it buying votes. A few days ago, we talked about Oregon giving $30,000 grants to Illegal undocumented immigrants where American citizens were not eligible, and that concept is starting to gain momentum. 

California has its sights set on giving $150,000 home loans to undocumented immigrants. The state is already $60 billion in debt this year, and here we are giving money away. You know it's great for Californians to have some money to buy a house here.

Because basically the state has overregulation housing so the prices just keep going up but it should be focused just on US citizens or California taxpayers are people that are legally here to give this to people who are non-immigrants. 

And here IL legally just crossing the border just gives more incentive for more people to pour across our borders. We can't afford these unsustainable able programs the California lawmakers just passed a law and Governor hasn't signed it.

No, but giving government assistance to undocumented immigrants to buy houses is kind of a different place than the Democratic party used to be on immigration as aonach. I say that's what the country is going to do, but that's certainly where California is well. 

Let me just say immigration has always been a bipartisan issue. I refer you to free housing, but it's not free housing; it's the American dream being available to more people.

But understand this about immigration: the best speech on immigration was by President Ronald Reagan. This is the last speech I will make as president of the United States. I want to communicate a message to the country I love, and he talked about the Statue of Liberty and the Beacon of Hope.

It is to the world and what America was preeminent in the world because our door was always open, and we will cease to be preeminent when we shut the door now. I don't do justice to the great communicator Google. It's a fabulous speech and George Herbert.

Walker Bush continued to respect the diversity of America and the rest. Now, California is always in the lead. Maybe others will follow that lead, but that's up to those States. 

But we are very blessed here with beautiful diversity. You vote for this law, excuse me, so you'd Vote for this law. Well, I don't. I'm not familiar with exactly what it is, but making the American dream of home ownership available to all people is something we have to do for people who, now this is before you, this is undocumented.

This is for the undocumented. Well, I would like to move them to documented status. One of the best things that we can do for our economy is to pass comprehensive immigration reform. 

So Nancy Pelosi believes that every undocumented immigrant here needs to be documented. That's the answer to fixing undocumented immigrants in our country: not vetting them at the border like we're supposed to by law but by letting them in and just giving them the documents they need to become Americans and have the American dream handed to them.




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"I want to legalise illegal immigrants!" Shocking statement from one of the "puppet masters" of the Biden administration... Want to give them the vote?


Want to grant voting rights in the future?

Former Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi, a prominent American politician and known as one of the "masterminds" behind the nomination of Vice-President Kamala Harris, a candidate for the next presidential election, blurted out "I want to legalise illegal immigrants" during an interview.

When the host asked her about the excessive preferential treatment of illegal immigrants, she said: "In California (a Democratic Party stronghold), illegal immigrants are given housing. Isn't that inconsistent with the Democratic Party's traditional immigration policy?" Pelosi replied, "The American dream should be available to everyone.

When Pelosi was reprimanded for asking, "Shouldn't illegal immigrants be excluded?" she confessed her true feelings, saying, "I want to legalise illegal immigrants.

Among American conservatives, there has long been an opinion that "the Biden administration is deliberately letting illegal immigrants into the US, then gradually legalising them and giving them the right to vote to turn them into a future voting bloc for the US Democratic Party".