What kind of person was Himiko?


What kind of person was Himiko?



Himiko was the queen who ruled the "Yamataikoku." It is written that she had 1000 servants take care of her. Himiko was good at fortune-telling and magic. She is thought to have predicted the weather and prayed for good harvests and battle victory. The Yamataikoku under Himiko was one of the countries that continued to fight.

She was a queen, like a shrine maiden who ruled by conveying divine messages.

What is written in the "The Records of Wei, Biography of The Wa people."
The following is about Himiko in the "The Records of Wei, Biography of The Wa people" of the Chinese history book Records of the Three Kingdoms, which dates from around 280-290 AD.

a. She was a queen placed as a standard king by warring countries.

b. She was skilled at using Kidō (magic) and attracted people with her mystical powers, which enabled her to rule the country.

c. Even when she grew old, she did not marry and ruled the country with the help of her younger brother.

d. After she became king, Himiko had 1,000 female servants take care of her.

e. Few people saw Himiko, who lived in the inner palace; only her younger brother could hear her. He brought her meals and went in and out to deliver messages.

f. To protect Himiko in the palace, watchtowers and fences were set up, and soldiers were always on guard.

g. From 239, he frequently sent envoys to Wei to send tributes and was given the title "King of Wa who is friendly to Wei," a gold seal with purple ribbon (a gold seal with purple braided cords), a bronze mirror, and other items.

h. She died during a battle with the Kuna Kingdom and was buried in a large tomb, and more than 100 enslaved people were forced to commit suicide (following their masters).

What can be inferred from "The Records of Wei, Biography of The Wa People."

From passages like this, Himiko is seen as a kind of shrine maiden or magician possessed by a god who conveys the gods' words to people.
She probably worked with her brother to decide how to run the government and announced these decisions in divine revelations.
Himiko may have stayed in an inner room and not shown herself to the people to portray herself as a mystical, god-like figure so that people would worship or fear her.







What kind of person was Himiko?


Himiko - Wikipedia


Himiko: She was actually a recluse!? Who was this queen who never showed up?
