It worked for my illness! One after another. Easy self-moxibustion recommendation.


Worry No.1
This is the crucial point for "stiff shoulders and neck"!


Worry No.2
This is the crucial point for "eyestrain"!

Worry no. 3
The pressure point for "swollen feet"!


Worry No. 4
This is the crucial point for "constipation"!

Worry No.5
This is the crucial point for "hay fever"!



It worked for my illness! One after another. Easy self-moxibustion recommendation.


The busy period around the Christmas and New Year holidays is when people are more likely to feel unwell. Everyone has different problems, such as coldness, stiff shoulders and swelling. 

Moxibustion, which warms the body from the inside and improves blood circulation, can solve such issues. Self-moxibustion, which is easy to do at home, is also popular with people of all ages. Would you like to try moxibustion for your physical ailments now?

Falling in love with traditional Chinese medicine
The number of "moxibustion girls" is also increasing rapidly!

Moxibustion has a long history. It is said to have been systematised as a medical technique in China 2,000 years ago and later brought to Japan by envoys from the Sui and Tang dynasties. But I don't think it's old-fashioned. Recently, moxibustion has regained popularity as a means of self-treatment and prevention. The number of users is increasing rapidly, not only among older people but also among young women.

However, it is a mysterious world for those who have never experienced it. What are the effects of moxibustion? And how to use it? We received guidance from Katsuya Sato of "Sennen Moxibustion", the largest manufacturer of moxibustion products for individuals.

Moxibustion is an Oriental medicine treatment that relieves the symptoms of illness and physical discomfort by applying heat to points on the skin called acupoints. Mr Sato said, "The beginning of moxibustion" is "treatment" where you put your hands on the painful area. 

You will feel better if you touch it and warm it up. I have also experienced pain relief even if I put my hands on areas far away from the affected area. Through this experience, it became clear that there was a connection between the skin and the internal organs, which was the origin of acupuncture points. Eventually, the technique of using moxibustion to warm acupressure points instead of using the hands became widespread.

Moxibustion improves blood circulation by warming the pressure points. As a result, the body's natural healing power is enhanced, and various symptoms such as stiff shoulders, back pain and eye strain are relieved.

"For example, there is a case where a patient came to our office limping due to knee pain, but after trying self-moxibustion at home for about a week, he could walk without pain." 

It is now expected to receive moxibustion, an Eastern medicine treatment, while attending a hospital based on Western medicine, known as "integrative medicine". It's easy to do independently and can relieve physical discomfort. This is the benefit of moxibustion.

The moxa used in moxibustion is made from dried mugwort leaves. Moxa has good ignition and heat retention, which makes it ideal for moxibustion. In the past, people used to put moxa directly on their skin and set fire to it, but now it's easier.

It's not hot! Don't burn yourself!
Moxibustion evolves with the times.

As times have changed, so has moxibustion. "In the old days, moxibustion was done by lighting a ball of moxa and placing it directly on the skin, and acupuncturists still use this method to perform moxibustion. It's difficult because there are problems such as ``it's time-consuming and tedious'' and ``it's hot and easily burnt''.

As a result, products that met the needs of the time were introduced one after another. The current mainstream is to place a paper-wrapped moxa in a cylindrical shape in the centre of a stand, with a sticker on the bottom. 

Because it has a base, there is less worry about getting burnt, and because it is attached to the skin with a sticker, there is no need to worry about the spot moving. 

"It's easy for anyone to use and not too hot, so it doesn't cause burns. You can do moxibustion in a relaxed and comfortable position. But what's unique about Sennen moxibustion is that it's just as effective as traditional moxibustion. Nowadays, busy modern people can efficiently perform self-moxibustion at home or work."

It can be quickly done at home
Introduction to the Steps of Self-Moxibustion
Now, let's try self-moxibustion by following Mr Sato's instructions!

First, let's introduce the necessary items. It is helpful to have a "Sennen Moxibustion", which allows you to efficiently perform moxibustion yourself, a container to dispose of the moxibustion after use, a felt-tip pen, an igniter (a lighter is OK), and a pressure point diagram if necessary.




Step 1
Look for effective pressure points for your symptoms using a pressure point chart as a reference. If you lightly touch the area around the pressure points with your fingertips, the slightly dented areas are often the pressure points. As dented areas mean poor circulation, it is adequate to warm these areas.

Step 2
Once you have found the location of the pressure points, mark them with a felt-tip pen. If you rely on memory alone, you may forget the correct position when you do the next task.

Step 3
Next, peel off the thin paper at the bottom of the base of the Sennen Moxibustion to expose the sealing surface. The surface that comes into contact with the skin is of a suitable size so that it can warm pressure points in a precise manner.

Step 4
Light the moxa. Lighting the tip of the moxibustion moxa on your fingertip close to the flame is safe and recommended. If there is smoke, there is already a fire. There is no need to hold it over the fire until the whole moxa burns.

Step 5
You only need to apply it to the pressure points you marked with a marker. Eventually, it will get warmer, which is a sign that the poor circulation is improving. The moxibustion flame will go out in about 5 minutes, but the heating effect will continue until the base gets cold.

Step 6
Feeling "hot" or a tingling sensation signals that "the improvement of poor blood circulation has been completed". Remove the moxibustion device immediately before the fire is extinguished.

Step 7
If the base is too hot to touch when you remove it, it's a good idea to lightly moisten your fingertips with a wet towel before touching it. Please dispose of the removed moxa in a container, such as an ashtray, and sprinkle it with water before throwing it in the rubbish. Incidentally, the Sennen moxibustion shown in the photo is a combustible waste.

How many pieces a day should I do and when?
Precautions when using moxibustion

It is surprisingly easy, even if this is your first time using moxibustion! "For beginners, try applying moxibustion to one pressure point once a day. Start with 1 to 3 pressure points. If you don't feel the heat after the first moxibustion, continue by placing the second moxibustion on the same point. It is also OK. 

However, the number of moxibustion points that can be placed on the same acupuncture point is no more than three. The number of moxibustion that can be placed on multiple acupuncture points simultaneously is no more than four.

When should I do moxibustion during the day? I asked Mr Sato.

"You can do it at any time, but avoid doing it before or after taking a bath, before or after eating, after drinking alcohol, or when you have a fever, as the blood circulation in your body increases too much, which can make you feel sick and quickly lead to burns. 

It's relaxing. Many people use moxibustion before bed, but if you use a type that does not use fire, be careful, as there is a risk of low-temperature burns if you sleep with the moxibustion on.

In addition, some parts of the body and people should not be treated with moxibustion. 

"Moxibustion on the face is strictly forbidden. Apply it to pressure points connected to meridians on your hands and feet to improve facial symptoms. 

Also, moxibustion should not be used on people who cannot remove the moxibustion voluntarily and on young children. Please do not use it. Pregnant women should avoid using moxibustion alone and consult a doctor or acupuncturist."

Although I used fire-based moxibustion for the photo shoot, various products are being developed one after another, including moxibustion that does not use fire, moxibustion that does not use smoke, and moxibustion that allows you to choose the scent. 

Try different types of moxibustion to find the moxibustion that suits you best.

Click here for five significant concerns about moxibustion!
Check the pressure points.

There are pressure points all over the body, but the pressure points to which moxibustion should be applied vary depending on the symptoms. 

Here are acupuncture points effective for five common conditions: stiff shoulders and neck, eye strain, swollen legs, constipation and hay fever. It is effective for relieving symptoms and prevention, so start warming these points with moxibustion and aim for a body that never feels sick!

Worry No.1
This is the crucial point for "stiff shoulders and neck"!

Your shoulders and neck may hurt or feel heavy due to the tension of customer service, long hours of desk work or lack of exercise. The following two pressure points are effective for "stiff shoulders and neck".




"Kyokuchi" is the edge of the horizontal crease that forms when you bend your elbow. Stretch your back, which tends to round, and relieve stiff shoulders. 

Yoryosen" is the concave area just below the protruding bone on the outside of the knee. It balances the left and right sides of the body and relieves pressure on the shoulders. You can expect relief from stiff shoulders and neck by applying moxibustion to these two pressure points.

Worry No.2
This is the crucial point for "eyestrain"!

"Asthenopia" occurs when you continue to work at a job that puts a lot of strain on your eyes, causing symptoms such as eye pain, blurred vision and bloodshot eyes. If you are worried about looking at your computer or smartphone too much, try actively warming up the pressure points below.

For the location of the "Kyokuchi", please refer to problem one above. Kurike'' is also effective for eye symptoms. 

"Taisho" is the depression where if you stroke your finger from the base of the big toe and index finger towards the ankle, the bones collide, and you can't move forward. It relieves both the eyes and mental and physical fatigue and is effective in all overworked areas daily.

Worry no. 3
The pressure point for "swollen feet"!

People who work in the same position for a long time, such as standing or sitting, tend to suffer from "swollen feet". Use self-massage after returning home to eliminate excess water and waste products accumulated on your feet.

Of the lateral folds when you bend your big toe, the side closest to the big toe is the "Daito", and the side closest to the arch is the "Taihaku". The "Taikei" is located in the hollow between the inner ankle and the Achilles tendon. 

These are all acupuncture points that improve circulation and stimulate metabolism. Applying moxibustion to these three points will relieve foot swelling and have a preventative effect. "Daito" and "Taihaku" are also expected to have a skin-tightening effect.

Worry No. 4
This is the crucial point for "constipation"!

"Constipation is a common problem, especially among females. Causes include weak abdominal muscles, hormonal effects, improper diets and stress. If you apply moxibustion to the following points, your bowel movements will be activated and naturally stimulated."

Shinmon' is done by stroking the crooked crease of the wrist towards the little finger, just before the bone protrudes under the little finger. It makes you feel relaxed. 

"Ashisanri" is a depression four-finger width below the indentation under the kneecap. Activates gastrointestinal motility. It is said that when moxibustion is applied to these two points, the intestinal function becomes active, and the urge to defecate is naturally stimulated.

Worry No.5
This is the crucial point for "hay fever"!

Hay fever is now considered a national disease. If you already have symptoms, use moxibustion to stimulate the following pressure points to relieve them, or if you have not yet developed symptoms, to prevent them.

"Gokoku'' is a depression slightly closer to the index finger, where the thumb and finger bones meet. It is a pressure point effective for all facial symptoms, including the nose, eyes and mouth. 

The "Kankoku" is where you gently stroke the space between the index and middle finger towards the ankle, extending beyond the joint. It improves the condition of the nasal mucosa. It also works on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract and has a toning effect.

By the way, as to which pressure point on the left or right hand or foot to use for moxibustion, the one that takes longer to feel hot is considered a "point-of-poor-circulation" = "more effective pressure point". It's a good idea to apply moxibustion to the pressure points and judge by how the heat feels.

You can see the effect the next day!
Try it first

How long will it take for my physical condition to improve after moxibustion? 

Mr Sato says, "The sooner you start, the sooner you will see the results. Even if you start more slowly, you should see some improvement within a few weeks to a few months, but the important thing is to keep going." 

"Because you see an effect, don't stop. Using moxibustion instead of putting it away will make it easier to maintain your health. If you are worried about your physical condition in winter, please take this opportunity to try moxibustion."





It worked for my illness! One after another. Easy self-moxibustion recommendation.


It is a story about moxibustion that you may know but don't know much about.

Let's calm down with moxibustion before going to bed. How to start "self-moxibustion" at home




What are the effective moxibustion points for sensitivity to cold? Explaining how to do moxibustion