No. 1080 “How to get your ideal country”




No. 1080 "How to get your ideal country" 2023/12/22


//Summary - Level-C2//

The text discusses achieving an ideal country through personal and collective efforts. Emphasising the dream-like nature of existence, it advocates purifying one's heart to create a pure society. The metaphor of stirring water with chopsticks illustrates the gradual initiation of positive change. The focus is on individual action and uplifting those around us. The ultimate goal is an ideal country free from inequality, discrimination and conflict, reflecting Buddhist teachings and the need to enhance the Earth's healing energy.



The other day, I gave training for a particular company, and I talked about the world of the Heart Sutra.
I talked about how this world is like a dream, an illusion.

I told them that even if it is only a dream, they should still live it even though they know it is only a dream.

What makes a dream come true is the five components of each other.
The material thing is called colour.

There are four mental things: Receive (sensation), Representation (Thought), Gyo (action) and Knowledge (Judgment).
These five components represent the self and the world.

There were questions after the lecture.
The real world is a society of inequality, discrimination, constant war and an uncertain future, and the question is, what should we do about this world?

I said, "Stir the water on the tray well with chopsticks."
How should I pour a lot of water into a tray and swirl the water?

Even if you try to move the tray while holding it, you may knock the whole bowl over if you are not careful.
At times like this, I put a pair of chopsticks in the middle of the water in the bowl and draw a small circle quietly.

A small circle is good. If you continue to draw small circles without giving up, you will gradually begin to remove ripples, and eventually, it will turn into a wave and begin to spin on its own.

It is pretty standard for people to think about changing politics to make a difference in this world.

It is also a good idea to get involved in social movements.
However, Zen and Buddhism have not been deeply involved in social movements.
Instead, I emphasise doing what I can in my position.

If you work hard in your place, you will inspire those around you. There will always be some influence.
I told them that I would like to see it grow gradually.

"The Vimalakirti Sutra" says, "If you want to achieve a pure Buddhist kingdom, it is better to purify your heart; if your heart is pure, the country you live in will also be pure."

The country of Buddha can be said to be an ideal country.
It is an ideal country without inequality, discrimination and conflict.

The Buddha taught us to purify our hearts when asked what we should do to obtain this country.
When his disciple Shariputra heard this, he thought.

"If the heart is pure, the land is also pure, so when the Buddha asked for the Way, he did not awaken an even more impure spirit, so why is this world so polluted? There must be someone there."

The Buddha understood and said, "Sariputra, a blind man cannot see the sun or the moon, but that does not mean that the sun or the moon are without light."

It is not the fault of the sun or the moon.
In the same Way, people cannot see the purity of the Buddha's kingdom because of their sins.

"This world is pure but so pure that it cannot be seen."

At that time, a Brahman sitting there said, "Venerable Shariputra, this world is never polluted; it is as pure as the palace of a god."

* The highest priestly class in India's Varna system. Based on the sound transcription of the Sanskrit brāhmaṇa (Brahman). 

Shariputra said, "I don't think so; this world is full of ugly and impure things."

Brahman said, "That is because you do not rely on the wisdom of the Buddha, but have a view of high and low in your heart. Bodhisattvas have a pure heart of equality towards all people, so this land will also be pure."

At that time, the Buddha raised his foot and pointed to the Earth, and the world suddenly changed, shining brightly and widely. Before anyone knew it, they were all sitting on a lotus seat covered with treasures, and their eyes were full of wonder.

It is important to note that the Buddha "held down the earth with his toes". He has his feet firmly planted on the ground.

An ideal country is not what you picture in your mind.
Don't look far. It's those feet.

After the company training, I talked with Professor Ryoichi Obizu in Tokyo in the afternoon.

When we had dinner after our talk, I asked Professor Obitsu what he was thinking about most.
Dr Obitsu immediately replied that what concerns us most at the moment is that the natural healing power of the Earth is diminishing more and more.

This summer's abnormal heat, heavy rains, typhoons and even world wars are all due to the Earth's decreasing ability to heal itself.

You said that it is inevitable that the Earth has lost its natural healing power and is losing its ability to regenerate itself.

So I asked, "Well, Doctor, what should I do?"
The Teacher replied, "The important thing is for each person to increase the energy of their place."

He taught us that we should live our lives to the fullest in our respective positions and live in such a way as to uplift those around us.
I could see Dr Obitsu trying to do his best and be cheerful, whether in a medical setting or at a dinner party.

To create an ideal country, we must start from the ground up and do the best we can where we are.







No. 1080 "How to get your ideal country" 2023/12/22


Stir the water well with chopsticks %9B%9E%E3%81%99/

These words become a great power if you keep making small efforts. I've heard a saying that you should never give up.
At first, if you turn the water on the plate with just one chopstick, only the chopstick will rotate. Still, if you continue to turn the chopstick with patience and enthusiasm, the water around you will rotate gradually. The ring will expand as you rotate until the entire water board rotates like a whirlpool.
These words resonate with me as I often fail in everything I do. I think these words make me realise that such things are essential.