Why is Russia invading Ukraine? Humanity's Last War Ezekiel's War



Why is Russia invading Ukraine? Humanity's Last War Ezekiel's War



Many Japanese people do not know the contents of the Bible.
However, it is also true that world leaders know the contents of the Bible and hope that the prophecies will be fulfilled.
When such leaders are leading the world, it naturally has an impact on Japan.

We can no longer live without knowing about it.
The past two years have made me realise that even though we have become such an information-oriented society, many adults still don't even bother to do their research.
The content of the Bible is quite difficult for Japanese people to understand, but it is also true that everything is fulfilled.
It doesn't hurt to know.

The world is coming to an end.
Ezekiel's War, humanity's last, will ring the final bell.
Looking at the current world situation, it would not be surprising if the Ezekiel War could start anytime.
So, what kind of War is the Ezekiel War?

This time, we will explain Ezekiel's War.

Many Japanese people do not know the contents of the Bible. However, it is also true that world leaders understand the contents of the Bible and hope that the prophecies will be fulfilled.
Since this leader leads the world, it affects Japan. If I don't know about it, I can't help it.

I realised that even though we have become such an information-oriented society, many adults still do not even bother to do their research. The content is complex for Japanese people to understand, but everything has been done. It doesn't hurt to know.

The world is reaching its end time. Ezekiel's War, humanity's last, will ring the final bell.
Looking at the current world situation, the Ezekiel War could start anytime.

So, what kind of War is Ezekiel's War? This time, we will explain Ezekiel's War.

The Ezekiel War was when several allied forces, led by Russia attacked Israel. Attacked from all sides, Israel is forced into a desperate situation.
In such a desperate situation, God appears and miraculously leads Israel to victory.

With the world watching, the Allies were defeated by natural disasters caused by the power of God, such as a massive earthquake, heavy rain and brimstone. Israel won not by a military victory but by a divine miracle.
The simple summary is that people worldwide who witnessed this miracle realised the existence of God.

Countries involved in Ezekiel's war

"Son of man, set your face against Gog of the land of Magog, prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him."
God said, "Gog, prince of Meshech and Tubal. See, I will be your enemy. "

Meshech means Moscow, Tubal means Siberia, and the country that rules them, Magog, means Russia.
And it shows that Russia will become Israel's enemy.

"I will bring you back, and I will shut your mouth, and I will bring you out, and all your army, and your horses, and your horsemen.
They were a great army, all armed with great shields and small shields and all with swords. "

Another country said to be at the tip of Russia is Ukraine.
The phrase "lock your jaw" probably refers to Ukraine.

Ukraine is also a country that has become the epicentre of various suspicions, including Ukraine and Huntergate.
Where Ukraine is, there was once the Khazar Empire.

Now the homeland of all the evildoers in the world, the Khazars disguised themselves as Jews and became the false Jews who spread worldwide.
The actual Jewish colour is brown, not white.

But the false Jews are white and call themselves God's beloved people.
The reason why Jews are persecuted all over the world is because the false Jews become the real Hebrews, so the country of Ukraine is a crucial place leading to the current turmoil.

As it says, "bring out all the troops, horses and cavalry," it can also be read as Russia invading Ukraine.
Since 2021, Russia has been building up its military near the Ukrainian border.

The situation is still such that Russia could invade Ukraine at any time.
This can also be seen as following the biblical scenario.




"The Persians and the Ethiopians and the Putees will be with them, all with shields and helmets.
Many nations will be with you, including Gomer and all his armies, Beth-Togarmah in the far north and all his troops. "

Persia means Iran, Ethiopia means Ethiopia, and Putees means Libya.
Gomer predicts that Germany will attack Israel, Putees Togarma will attack Israel, and a grand coalition of Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Ethiopia, Libya, Germany and Turkey will attack Israel.

"And you will rob and steal and attack the now inhabited desert.
And they will come together from the nations to condemn the people who live in the earth's centre and have cattle and goods."

The merchants of Sheba, and Dedan, and Tarshish, and their villages, said to you:
"Have you come to steal? Have you gathered an army to steal? Have you come to take away gold and silver, cattle and goods, and rob much?

And they came together from all the earth, dwelt amid the land, and took away their cattle and goods. This means that Israel, scattered worldwide, was reunited, and the Great Russian Federation attacked Israel and stole its wealth.

In 2010, natural oil fields were discovered in Israel.
The reserves are enough to meet Israel's needs for 100 years.
There are more than enough reasons for Russia to attack Israel.

The end of Ezekiel's war

"You will rise against my people, Israel and cover the earth like a cloud.
Gog. In the last days, I will bring you against my country.
Through you, I will manifest my holiness in the eyes of the people, and they will know me. "

The purpose of this War is to make the existence of God known throughout the world.
God created the nation of Israel to show His glory.
This has not changed since.

The Second World War was fought to establish the nation of Israel.

"But says the Lord God.
My wrath will be revealed in the day when Gog invades the land of Israel.
I say this in my jealousy and my burning anger."

"On that day, there will surely be a great trembling in the land of Israel, and the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, the beasts of the field, and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, and all that is upon the face of the world, will tremble before Me."

"And the mountains shall be thrown down, and the cliffs, and all the stone walls, shall fall to the ground. "

God's wrath will be revealed on the day that Russia invades Israel.
As God's wrath, a great earthquake will strike Israel.

"The Lord God said,
I call upon Gog all fear.
Every man's sword is against his brother.

I will judge him with pestilence and bloodshed.
I will send rain, hail, fire, and brimstone on him, his army, and many people with him.

And I will show My greatness and My holiness in the sight of many nations.
And they shall know that I am the Lord."

It is an earthquake. Then, the fighting begins.
Many natural disasters, such as pestilence, bloodshed, floods, hail and brimstone, will also occur.

And we will show the world that God is great.

With the world in turmoil, it would not be surprising if Ezekiel's War broke out at any time.
If we look calmly at the world situation, we can see that forces are working behind the scenes and want to proceed according to the Bible.

This time, I have explained the War of Ezekiel.
Many people who refer to the Bible believe that Ezekiel's War will happen soon.
The situation developing in Russia's Ukraine fits the Bible description perfectly.

The Bible is a well-known story involving forces that want to make it happen.
In such a confusing situation, why not look at the Bible, the best-selling book in the world?
When we compare this with the international situation, several things become clear.





Why did Russia invade Ukraine? Humanity's Last War Ezekiel's War



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